
Hiding Days of Previous and Next Months in WebMonthCalendar

WebMonthCalendar™ allows you to hide other month days from displaying to the end-user. You can achieve this by simply setting the control’s HideOtherMonthDays property to True. By default, this property is set to False.


If HideOtherMonthDays property is enabled, then the ChangeMonthToDateClicked property has no effect.

You can set the HideOtherMonthDays property either by using the Microsoft® Visual Studio® Property Window or by using the following code:

In Visual Basic:

WebMonthCalendar1.HideOtherMonthDays = true

In C#:

WebMonthCalendar1.HideOtherMonthDays = true;

Before hiding other month days

WebMonthCalendar Hiding Days of Previous and Next Months in WebMonthCalendar 01.png

After hiding other month days

WebMonthCalendar Hiding Days of Previous and Next Months in WebMonthCalendar 02.png