Using Standalone Components with Ignite UI for Angular

    Angular 14 introduced the concept of standalone components which allows for a simplified way of building applications by reducing the need for using NgModules. Standalone components were in developer preview until Angular 15. To support this new paradigm, all Ignite UI for Angular components are now exported as standalone with version 16.0.0. All the existing NgModules are still exported by the library for backward compatibility. However, they no longer declare any of the Ignite UI for Angular components. Instead they import and export the standalone components.

    How to use the new standalone components

    Starting with Angular 16 and Ignite UI for Angular 16.0 you can now simply add the imports that your standalone component needs in the imports property. In the following example IGX_GRID_DIRECTIVES can be used to import all grid related components and directives.

    import { IGX_GRID_DIRECTIVES } from 'igniteui-angular';
        selector: 'app-grid-sample',
        styleUrls: ['grid.sample.scss'],
        templateUrl: 'grid.sample.html',
        standalone: true,
        imports: [IGX_GRID_DIRECTIVES, AsyncPipe]

    But you can also import all components used by your standalone component individually. Example with the IgxGridComponent and IgxColumnComponent when only these two are used by another component is as follows.

    import { IgxGridComponent, IgxColumnComponent } from 'igniteui-angular';
        selector: 'app-grid-sample',
        styleUrls: ['grid.sample.scss'],
        templateUrl: 'grid.sample.html',
        standalone: true,
        imports: [IgxGridComponent, IgxColumnComponent, AsyncPipe]

    In addition, as all existing modules are preserved but now only import and export the standalone components, you can also use them for your standalone component.

    // `NgModule` import of the `IgxGridModule` module, which is equivalent to IGX_GRID_DIRECTIVES in terms of exported components and directives.
    import { IgxGridModule } from 'igniteui-angular';
        selector: 'app-grid-sample',
        styleUrls: ['grid.sample.scss'],
        templateUrl: 'grid.sample.html',
        standalone: true,
        imports: [IgxGridModule, AsyncPipe]

    Utility Directives

    The IGX_GRID_DIRECTIVES shown in the previous examples is a utility directive that exports all grid related components and directives. The following table lists all new utility directives that are available in Ignite UI for Angular.

    Directive Collection Description
    IGX_ACCORDION_DIRECTIVES Exports all accordion related components and directives.
    IGX_ACTION_STRIP_DIRECTIVES Exports all action strip related components and directives.
    IGX_BANNER_DIRECTIVES Exports all banner related components and directives.
    IGX_BOTTOM_NAV_DIRECTIVES Exports all bottom navigation related components and directives.
    IGX_BUTTON_GROUP_DIRECTIVES Exports all button group related components and directives.
    IGX_CALENDAR_DIRECTIVES Exports all calendar related components and directives.
    IGX_CARD_DIRECTIVES Exports all card related components and directives.
    IGX_CAROUSEL_DIRECTIVES Exports all carousel related components and directives.
    IGX_CHIPS_DIRECTIVES Exports all chip related components and directives.
    IGX_CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR_DIRECTIVES Exports all circular progress bar related components and directives.
    IGX_COMBO_DIRECTIVES Exports all combo related components and directives.
    IGX_DATE_PICKER_DIRECTIVES Exports all date-picker related components and directives.
    IGX_DATE_RANGE_PICKER_DIRECTIVES Exports all date-range picker related components and directives.
    IGX_DIALOG_DIRECTIVES Exports all dialog related components and directives.
    IGX_DRAG_DROP_DIRECTIVES Exports all drag and drop related components and directives.
    IGX_DROP_DOWN_DIRECTIVES Exports all drop-down related components and directives.
    IGX_EXPANSION_PANEL_DIRECTIVES Exports all expansion panel related components and directives.
    IGX_GRID_DIRECTIVES Exports all grid related components and directives.
    IGX_HIERARCHICAL_GRID_DIRECTIVES Exports all hierarchical grid related components and directives.
    IGX_INPUT_GROUP_DIRECTIVES Exports all input group related components and directives.
    IGX_LINEAR_PROGRESS_BAR_DIRECTIVES Exports all linear progress bar related components and directives.
    IGX_LIST_DIRECTIVES Exports all list related components and directives.
    IGX_NAVBAR_DIRECTIVES Exports all navbar related components and directives.
    IGX_NAVIGATION_DRAWER_DIRECTIVES Exports all navigation drawer related components and directives.
    IGX_PAGINATOR_DIRECTIVES Exports all paginator related components and directives.
    IGX_PIVOT_GRID_DIRECTIVES Exports all pivot grid related components and directives.
    IGX_PROGRESS_BAR_DIRECTIVES Exports all linear and circular progress bar related components and directives.
    IGX_QUERY_BUILDER_DIRECTIVES Exports all query builder related components and directives.
    IGX_RADIO_GROUP_DIRECTIVES Exports all radio group related components and directives.
    IGX_SELECT_DIRECTIVES Exports all select related components and directives.
    IGX_SIMPLE_COMBO_DIRECTIVES Exports all simple combo related components and directives.
    IGX_SLIDER_DIRECTIVES Exports all slider related components and directives.
    IGX_SPLITTER_DIRECTIVES Exports all splitter related components and directives.
    IGX_STEPPER_DIRECTIVES Exports all stepper related components and directives.
    IGX_TABS_DIRECTIVES Exports all tabs related components and directives.
    IGX_TIME_PICKER_DIRECTIVES Exports all time picker related components and directives.
    IGX_TOOLTIP_DIRECTIVES Exports all tooltip related components and directives.
    IGX_TREE_DIRECTIVES Exports all tree-view related components and directives.
    IGX_TREE_GRID_DIRECTIVES Exports all tree grid related components and directives.

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