Data Analysis

    Data analysis is the process of examining, transforming, and arranging data in a specific way to generate useful information based on it. It also allows for reaching certain outcomes and conclusions through analytical and logical reasoning.


    This functionality will be introduced in Ignite UI for Angular as external package in order to ease the configuration and limit the required code at minimum

    Data Analysis with DockManager

    Go ahead and perform a cell range selection or column selection in order to enable the Chart types view based on the selected data. This view is part of Dock Manager's right pane. From there you can:

    • Choose specific chart type and visualize it in separate pane.
    • Or use the Data Analysis context button to show different text formatting options.


    The Dock Manager Web component provides means to manage the layout of the application through panes, and allowing the end-users to customize it further by pinning, resizing, moving and hiding panes. After selecting data, go ahead and create a couple of charts and pin them (by dragging) to the available areas

    Keep in mind (sample related):

    • On new data selection chart data will be updated.
    • If multi-cell range selection is applied, only the Text formatting functionality will be available.
    • If selected data is not compatible for any of the charts - an "Incompatible data" warning message will be shown.

    Data Analysis Package

    You can start using this functionality by following the steps below. Keep in mind that igniteui-angular-extras package is only available through our private npm feed. If you have a valid commercial license, you will have access to the private feed.

    Lets start with:

    • Installing the package in your application
    npm install @infragistics/igniteui-angular-extras
    • Installing the package peer dependencies
    npm install @infragistics/igniteui-angular igniteui-angular-core igniteui-angular-charts
    • After the installation of the packages go ahead and:
      • Add the IgxExtrasModule to your app.module.ts
      • Apply igxChartIntegration, igxConditionalFormatting, igxContextMenu directives to your grid
    <igx-grid #grid1 igxChartIntegration igxConditionalFormatting igxContextMenu
        [data]="localData" [autoGenerate]="true">

    And that's it! You can now perform cell range selection and follow the data analysis flow.

    Data Analysis Button

    The data analysis button is the outlet to visualize your selected data in various ways:

    This way every range selection performed in the grid can be easily analyzed in a single click.

    The button is rendered on every range selection at the bottom-right of the selection and hides when the selection is inactive. Horizontal and vertical scrolling reposition the button so that it is always rendered at its designated position.

    Chart Integration

    This section introduces Grid's integration with charting functionality, which allows the end user to visualize a chart based on Grid's selected data and choose different chart types if needed.

    The chart will be shown by selecting a range of cells and by clicking on the show analysis button.


    The chart creation option is only available when there are numeric values in the selected data.

    We currently support the following Chart types:

    Conditional Cell Formatting

    If you have a Grid with thousands of rows of data it would be very difficult to see patterns and trends just from examining the raw information. Similar to charts and sparklines, Conditional formatting provides another way to visualize data and make it easier to understand.

    Understanding conditional formatting - it allows for applying formatting such as colors and data bars to cells based on their value in the range selection. The sample below demonstrates how you can configure the Grid to apply Conditional Formatting. It depends on the Conditional formatting selection type what condition rules will be shown. Below you will find the predefined styles (presets) that you can use in order to quickly apply conditional formatting to your data. The formatting of a range gets cleared when performing formatting on different range or through the clear button. The clear button is only active when there is an applied formatting.

    Number range selection

    • Data Bars - Data bars can help you spot larger and smaller numbers, such as top-selling and bottom-selling products. This preset makes it very easy to visualize values in a range of selected cells. A longer bar represents a higher value. A cell that holds value of 0 has no data bar all other cells are filled proportionally. Positive values are with green color and negative values will be red
    • Color Scale - The shade of the color represents the value in the cell. The cells that hold values below the *Lowest threshold will be colored in red. The cells that are above the *Highest threshold will be colored in green. And all the cells that are between the Lowest and Highest threshold will be colored in yellow.

    Lowest threshold - Below 33% of the maximum cell value in range selection.

    Highest threshold - Above 66% of the maximum cell value in range selection.

    • Top 10% - Use this preset to highlight the values which are equivalent to top 10% of the selected data.
    • Greater than - This preset marks all values Greater than the avarege
    • Duplicate values - Marks all duplicate values.
    • Unique values - All cell values that are unique will be marked (blue background color).
    • Empty- Marks all cells with undefined values

    Text range selection

    • Text contains - Marks all cells that contain the cell value from the top-left most selected cell. Example:
    • Duplicate values - Marks all duplicate values.
    • Unique values - All cell values that are unique will be marked (blue background color).
    • Empty- Marks all cells with undefined values


    Data Analysis Package API


    API Description Arguments
    ConditionalFormattingType An enum, which represents the conditional formatting types
    IFormatColors An interface, which represents the formatting colors
    formatter: string An input property, which sets/gets the current formatting type
    formatColors An input property, which sets/gets the current formatting colors val: IFormatColors
    onFormattersReady An event, which emits the applicable formatting types for the selected data, when they are determined.
    formatCells Applies conditional formatting for the selected cells. Usage:
    formatterName: string, formatRange?: GridSelectionRange [ ],
    reset: boolean (true by default)
    clearFormatting Removes the conditional formatting from the selected cells. Usage:


    API Description Arguments
    CHART_TYPE An enum, representing the supported chart types
    OPTIONS_TYPE An enum, representing the supported options type, which can be applied to a chart component
    IOptions An interface for chart property options
    chartFactory Creates a chart component, based on the provided chart type. Usage:
    this.chartIntegration.chartFactory(CHART_TYPE.COLUMN_GROUPED, this.viewContainerRef)
    type: any[ ], viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef
    setChartComponentOptions Sets property options to a chart component. Usage:
    this.chartIntegration.setChartComponentOptions(CHART_TYPE.PIE, OPTIONS_TYPE.CHART, {allowSliceExplosion: true, sliceClick: (evt) => { evt.args.isExploded = !evt.args.isExploded; } })
    chart: CHART_TYPE, optionsType: OPTIONS_TYPE, options: IOptions
    getAvailableCharts Returns the enabled chart types
    enableCharts Enables the provided chart types. By default all chart types are enabled types: CHART_TYPE [ ]
    disableCharts Disables the provided chart types types: CHART_TYPE [ ]
    onChartTypesDetermined An event, emitted when the chart types, applicable for the chartData, are determined. This event emits an object of type IDeterminedChartTypesArgs, which has 2 properties:
    chartsAvailabilty: Map<CHART_TYPE, boolean> - the enabled/disabled chart types,
    chartsForCreation: CHART_TYPE[] - the applicable chart types for the chartData
    onChartCreationDone An event, emitted when a chart is created. This event emits the chart component, which is created
    chartData: any[ ] An input property, which sets/gets the data for the charts selectedData: any[ ]
    useLegend: boolean An input, which enables/disables the legend usage for all chart types. By default it is set to true
    defaultLabelMemberPath: string An input property, which sets/gets the default label member path for the charts. By default the label member path will be determined, based on the provided data.
    ( if the provided data records have properties with string values, the first string property name of the first data record in the chartData will be selected as a label member path for the charts, if not, the label member path will have value 'Index'. )
    scatterChartYAxisValueMemberPath: string An input property, which sets/gets the default radius member path for the scatter bubble chart. If not set, the default Y axis value member path will be the first numeric property name of the first data record in the chartData path: string
    bubbleChartRadiusMemberPath: string An input property, which sets/gets the default radius member path for the scatter bubble chart. If not set, the default radius member path will be the second numeric property name of the first data record in the chartData path: string

    Useful resources