Angular Geographic Bubble Map

    In Angular map component, you can use the IgxGeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesComponent to plot bubbles or proportional markers at the geographic locations specified by the data in your application. This map series can be useful for highlighting points of interest in your particular business case like department stores, warehouses, or offices. Also you can use this map series in a fleet management system or a GPS system for dynamic vehicle tracking.

    Angular Geographic Bubble Map Example

    The demo above shows the IgxGeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesComponent series and how to specify data binding options of the series. Automatic marker selection is configured along with marker collision avoidance logic, and marker outline and fill colors are specified too.

    Configuration Summary

    Similar to other types of scatter series in the map control, the IgxGeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesComponent series has the ItemsSource property which can be bound to an array of objects. In addition, each data item in the items source must have two data columns that store geographic longitude and latitude coordinates and uses the longitudeMemberPath and latitudeMemberPath properties to map these data columns. The radiusScale and radiusMemberPath will settings configures the radius for the bubbles.

    The following table summarizes the GeographicHighDensityScatterSeries series properties used for data binding.

    Property Type Description
    ItemsSource any Gets or sets the items source
    longitudeMemberPath string Uses the ItemsSource property to determine the location of the longitude values on the assigned items
    latitudeMemberPath string Uses the ItemsSource property to determine the location of the latitude values on the assigned items
    radiusMemberPath string Sets the path to use to get the radius values for the series.
    radiusScale IgxSizeScaleComponent Gets or sets the radius scale property for the current bubble series.
    minimumValue any Configure the minimum value for calculating value sub ranges.
    maximumValue any Configure the maximum value for calculating value sub ranges.

    Code Snippet

    <div className="sampleRoot" >
        <igx-geographic-map #map
            zoomable="true" >
    <ng-template let-series="series" let-item="item" #template>
    import { AfterViewInit, Component, TemplateRef, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
    import { IgxSizeScaleComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-charts';
    import { IgxValueBrushScaleComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-charts';
    import { IgxDataContext } from 'igniteui-angular-core';
    import { IgxShapeDataSource } from 'igniteui-angular-core';
    import { IgxGeographicMapComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
    import { IgxGeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
    import { MarkerType } from 'igniteui-angular-charts';
    import { WorldLocations } from "../../utilities/WorldLocations";
      selector: "app-map-geographic-scatter-proportional-series",
      styleUrls: ["./map-geographic-scatter-proportional-series.component.scss"],
      templateUrl: "./map-geographic-scatter-proportional-series.component.html"
    export class MapTypeScatterBubbleSeriesComponent implements AfterViewInit {
        @ViewChild ("map")
        public map: IgxGeographicMapComponent;
        @ViewChild ("template")
        public tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<object>;
        constructor() {
        public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
        const sds = new IgxShapeDataSource();
        sds.shapefileSource = "assets/Shapes/WorldTemperatures.shp";
        sds.databaseSource  = "assets/Shapes/WorldTemperatures.dbf";
        sds.importCompleted.subscribe(() => this.onDataLoaded(sds, ""));
        public onDataLoaded(sds: IgxShapeDataSource, e: any) {
        const shapeRecords = sds.getPointData();
        console.log("loaded contour shapes: " + shapeRecords.length + " from /Shapes/WorldTemperatures.shp");
        const contourPoints: any[] = [];
        for (const record of shapeRecords) {
            const temp = record.fieldValues.Contour;
            // using only major contours (every 10th degrees Celsius)
            if (temp % 10 === 0 && temp >= 0) {
                for (const shapes of record.points) {
                     for (let i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) {
                        if (i % 5 === 0) {
                            const p = shapes[i];
                            const item = { lon: p.x, lat: p.y, value: temp};
        console.log("loaded contour points: " + contourPoints.length);
        public addSeriesWith(locations: any[]) {
            const sizeScale = new IgxSizeScaleComponent();
            sizeScale.minimumValue = 4;
            sizeScale.maximumValue = 60;
            const brushes = [
                "rgba(14, 194, 14, 0.4)",  // semi-transparent green
                "rgba(252, 170, 32, 0.4)", // semi-transparent orange
                "rgba(252, 32, 32, 0.4)"  // semi-transparent red
            const brushScale = new IgxValueBrushScaleComponent();
            brushScale.brushes = brushes;
            brushScale.minimumValue = 0;
            brushScale.maximumValue = 30;
            const symbolSeries = new IgxGeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesComponent();
            symbolSeries.dataSource = locations;
            symbolSeries.markerType = MarkerType.Circle;
            symbolSeries.radiusScale = sizeScale;
            symbolSeries.fillScale = brushScale;
            symbolSeries.fillMemberPath = "pop";
            symbolSeries.radiusMemberPath = "pop";
            symbolSeries.latitudeMemberPath = "lat";
            symbolSeries.longitudeMemberPath = "lon";
            symbolSeries.markerOutline = "rgba(0,0,0,0.3)";
            symbolSeries.tooltipTemplate = this.tooltipTemplate;

    API References