Angular Grid Group By

    A Group By behavior in an Ignite UI for Angular Table or UI Grid creates grouped data rows based on the column values. The Group By in igxGrid allows for visualizing the groups in a hierarchical structure. The grouped data rows can be expanded or collapsed and the order of grouping may be changed through the UI or API. When Row Selection is enabled, a Group By row selector is rendered in the left-most area of the group row. In case the rowSelection property is set to single, checkboxes are disabled and only serve as an indication for the group where selection is placed. If the rowSelection property is set to multiple, clicking over the Group By row selector selects all records belonging to this group.

    Angular Grid Group By Example

    This example presents the grouping capabilities of a large amount of data. Dragging the column headers to the top (grouping area) allows users to see the data for the selected column in a hierarchical structure. They can do group by in multiple fields by dragging more column headers to the top. These grouping options come in handy when you have tables with numerous rows and columns where users want to present the data in a much faster and visually acceptable way.

    Initial Grouping State

    It is possible to define initial grouping of the grid by assigning an array of expressions to the groupingExpressions property of the grid.

    public ngOnInit() {
        grid.groupingExpressions = [
            { fieldName: 'ProductName', dir: SortingDirection.Desc },
            { fieldName: 'Released', dir: SortingDirection.Desc }

    Grouping expressions implement the ISortingExpression interface.

    Group By API

    Grouping API

    Grouping is available through the UI and through a robust API exposed by the grid component. Developers can allow end-users to group the grid data by certain columns, by setting each column's groupable property to true.

    <igx-grid [data]="data">
        <igx-column *ngFor="let c of columns" [field]="c.field" [groupable]="true">
    public ngOnInit() {
        grid.columns.forEach((column) => {
            column.groupable = true;

    During runtime the expressions are gettable and settable from the groupingExpressions property. If you need to add or change an existing expression you may also use the groupBy method with either a single or an array of ISortingExpression.

    grid.groupBy({ fieldName: 'ProductName', dir: SortingDirection.Desc, ignoreCase: true });

    Up until now, grouping/sorting worked in conjuction with each other. In 13.2 version, a new behavior which decouples gropuing from sorting is introduced. For example - clearing the grouping will not clear sorting expressions in the grid or vice versa. Still, if a column is both sorted and grouped, grouped expressions take precedence.

    Expand/Collapse API

    In addition to grouping expressions you can also control the expansion states for group rows. They are stored in a separate property of the igxGrid component groupingExpansionState. A group row is uniquely identified based on the field name it is created for and the value it represents for each level of grouping. This means that the signature of an expansion state interface is the following:

    export interface IGroupByKey {
        fieldName: string;
        value: any;
    export interface IGroupByExpandState {
        hierarchy: Array<IGroupByKey>;
        expanded: boolean;

    As with groupingExpressions, setting a list of IGroupByExpandState directly to the groupingExpansionState will change the expansion accordingly. Additionally igxGrid exposes a method that toggles a group by the group record instance.

        const groupRow = this.grid.groupsRecords.find(r => r.value === "France");
        const groupRow = this.grid.getRowByIndex(0).groupRow;
        groupRow.expanded = false;

    Groups can be created expanded (default) or collapsed and the expansion states would generally only contain the state opposite to the default behavior. You can control whether groups should be created expanded or not through the groupsExpanded property.

    Select/Deselect all rows in a group API

    Selecting/Deselecting all rows in a group is available through the selectRowsInGroup and deselectRowsInGroup API methods.

    The code snippet below can be used to select all rows within a group using the group record instance selectRowsInGroup method. Additionally, the second parameter of this method is a boolean property through which you may choose whether the previous row selection will be cleared or not. The previous selection is preserved by default.

        const groupRow = this.grid.groupsRecords.find(r => r.value === "France");
        const groupRow = this.grid.getRowByIndex(0).groupRow;

    If you need to deselect all rows within a group programmatically, you can use the deselectRowsInGroup method.

        const groupRow = this.grid.groupsRecords.find(r => r.value === "France");
        const groupRow = this.grid.getRowByIndex(0).groupRow;


    Group Row Templates

    The group row except for the expand/collapse UI is fully templatable. By default it renders a grouping icon and displays the field name and value it represents. The grouping record template is rendered against has the following signature:

    export interface IGroupByRecord {
        expression: ISortingExpression;
        level: number;
        records: GroupedRecords;
        value: any;
        groupParent: IGroupByRecord;
        groups?: IGroupByRecord[];

    As an example, the following template would make the group rows summary more verbose:

    <ng-template igxGroupByRow let-groupRow>
        <span>Total items with value: {{ groupRow.value }} are {{ groupRow.records.length }}</span>

    Group Row Selector Templates

    As mentioned above the group row except for the expand/collapse UI is fully templatable. To create a custom Group By row selector template within the Grid, declare an <ng-template> with igxGroupByRowSelector directive. From the template, you can access the implicitly provided context variable, with properties that give you information about the Group By row's state.

    The selectedCount property shows how many of the group records are currently selected while totalCount shows how many records belong to the group.

    <ng-template igxGroupByRowSelector let-groupByRowContext>
        {{ groupByRowContext.selectedCount }} / {{ groupByRowContext.totalCount  }}

    The groupRow property returns a reference to the group row.

    <ng-template igxGroupByRowSelector let-groupByRowContext>
        <div (click)="handleGroupByRowSelectorClick($event, groupByRowContext.groupRow)">Handle groupRow</div>

    The selectedCount and totalCount properties can be used to determine if the Group By row selector should be checked or indeterminate (partially selected).

    <igx-grid #grid [data]="gridData" primaryKey="ProductID" rowSelection="multiple">
        <!-- ... -->
        <ng-template igxGroupByRowSelector let-context>
                [checked]=" context.selectedCount > 0 && context.selectedCount === context.totalCount"
                [indeterminate]="context.selectedCount > 0 && context.selectedCount !== context.totalCount">

    Angular Grid Group By with Paging

    Group rows participate in the paging process along with data rows. They count towards the page size for each page. Collapsed rows are not included in the paging process. Any expand or collapse operation forces Paging to recalculate the page count and adjust the page index if necessary. Groups that span multiple pages are split between them. The group row is visible only on the page it starts on and is not repeated on subsequent pages. Summary information for group rows is calculated based on the whole group and is unaffected by Paging.

    Angular group by with paging example

    Group By with Summaries

    Integration between Group By and Summaries is described in the Summaries topic.

    Keyboard Navigation

    The grouping UI supports the following keyboard interactions:

    • For group rows (focus should be on the row or the expand/collapse cell)

      • ALT + RIGHT - Expands the group
      • ALT + LEFT - Collapses the group
      • SPACE - selects all rows in the group, if rowSelection property is set to multiple
    • For group igxChip components in the group by area (focus should be on the chip)

      • SHIFT + LEFT - moves the focused chip left, changing the grouping order, if possible
      • SHIFT + RIGHT - moves the focused chip right, changing the grouping order, if possible
      • SPACE - changes the sorting direction
      • DELETE - ungroups the field
      • The seperate elements of the chip are also focusable and can be interacted with using the ENTER key.

    Angular Grid Custom Group By

    igxGrid allows defining custom grouping per column or per grouping expression, which provides grouping based on a custom condition. This is useful when you need to group by complex objects or for other application specific scenarios.


    In order to implement custom grouping the data first needs to be sorted appropriately. Due to this you may also need to apply a custom sorting strategy that extends the base DefaultSortingStrategy. After the data is sorted the custom groups can be determined by specifying a groupingComparer for the column or for the specific grouping expression.

    The sample below demonstrates custom grouping by Date, where the date values are sorted and grouped by Day, Week, Month or Year based on user-selected grouping mode.

    Angular custom group by example

    The sample defines custom sorting strategies for the different date conditions. Each custom strategy extends the base DefaultSortingStrategy and defines the compareValues method, which is the custom compare function used when sorting the values. Additionally it extracts the values from the date needed for the comparison.

    class BaseSortingStrategy extends DefaultSortingStrategy {
        public getParsedDate(date: any) {
            return {
                day: date.getDay(),
                month: date.getMonth() + 1,
                year: date.getFullYear()
        compareValues(a: any, b: any) {
            const dateA = this.getParsedDate(a);
            const dateB = this.getParsedDate(b);
            return dateA.year < dateB.year ?
                -1 : dateA.year > dateB.year ?
                1 : dateA.month  < dateB.month ?
                -1 : dateA.month > dateB.month ?
                1 : 0;
    class DaySortingStrategy extends BaseSortingStrategy {
        compareValues(a: any, b: any) {
            const dateA = this.getParsedDate(a);
            const dateB = this.getParsedDate(b);
            return dateA.year < dateB.year ?
                -1 : dateA.year > dateB.year ?
                1 : dateA.month  < dateB.month ?
                -1 : dateA.month > dateB.month ?
                1 : < ?
                -1 : > ?
                1 : 0;
    class WeekSortingStrategy extends BaseSortingStrategy {
        public getWeekOfDate(a: any) {
           return parseInt(new DatePipe("en-US").transform(a, 'w'), 10);
        compareValues(a: any, b: any) {
            const dateA = this.getParsedDate(a);
            const dateB = this.getParsedDate(b);
            const weekA = this.getWeekOfDate(a);
            const weekB = this.getWeekOfDate(b);
            return dateA.year < dateB.year ?
                -1 : dateA.year > dateB.year ?
                1 : weekA < weekB ?
                -1 : weekA > weekB ?
                1 : 0;

    A groupingComparer function is defined for the grouping expressions, which determines the items belonging to the same group based on the selected grouping mode. Values in the sorted data for which this function returns 0 are marked as part of the same group.

     groupingComparer: (a, b) => {
        const dateA = this.sortingStrategy.getParsedDate(a);
        const dateB = this.sortingStrategy.getParsedDate(b);
        if (this.groupByMode === 'Month') {
            return dateA.month === dateB.month ? 0 : -1;
        } else if (this.groupByMode === "Year") {
            return dateA.year === dateB.year ? 0 : -1;
        } else if (this.groupByMode === "Week") {
            return this.sortingStrategy.getWeekOfDate(a) === this.sortingStrategy.getWeekOfDate(b) ? 0 : -1;
        return === && dateA.month === dateB.month ? 0 : -1;

    From version 15.1.0, you can also use the built-in sorting strategy GroupMemberCountSortingStrategy to sort items based on members count.

    public sortByGroup() {
            const expressions = this.grid1.groupingExpressions;
            if (expressions.length) {
                const fieldName = expressions[0].fieldName;
                const dir = expressions[0].dir === SortingDirection.Asc ? SortingDirection.Desc : SortingDirection.Asc;
                this.grid1.groupBy({ fieldName, dir, ignoreCase: false, strategy: GroupMemberCountSortingStrategy.instance() });


    The igxGrid allows styling through the Ignite UI for Angular Theme Library. The grid's theme exposes a wide variety of properties, which allow the customization of all the features of the grid.

    In the below steps, we are going through the steps of customizing the grid's Group By styling.

    Importing global theme

    To begin the customization of the Group By feature, you need to import the index file, where all styling functions and mixins are located.

    @use "igniteui-angular/theming" as *;
    // IMPORTANT: Prior to Ignite UI for Angular version 13 use:
    // @import '~igniteui-angular/lib/core/styles/themes/index';

    Defining custom theme

    Next, create a new theme, that extends the grid-theme and accepts the parameters, required to customize the Group By as desired. You also need to extend the chip-theme, because it's used in the Group By feature.

    $custom-theme: grid-theme(
        /* Group By properties that affect styling */
        $group-row-background: #494949,
        $group-row-selected-background: #383838,
        $group-label-column-name-text: #f8f8f8,
        $group-label-icon: #FFCD0F,
        $group-label-text: #f8f8f8,
        $group-count-background: #FFCD0F,
        $group-count-text-color: #000,
        $expand-icon-color: #FFCD0F,
        $expand-icon-hover-color: rgb(223, 181, 13),
        $cell-active-border-color: #FFCD0F,
        $row-selected-background: #fff6d3,
        $row-selected-text-color: #000,
        $drop-indicator-color: #FFCD0F
        /* add other features properties here... */
    /* Chip theme will style the chips in the Group By area */
    $custom-chips-theme: chip-theme(
        $background: #494949,
        $text-color: #f8f8f8,
        $hover-text-color: #e7e7e7

    Defining a custom color palette

    In the approach that we described above, the color values were hardcoded. Alternatively, you can achieve greater flexibility, using the igx-palette and igx-color functions.
    igx-palette generates a color palette, based on provided primary and secondary colors.

    $black-color: #292826;
    $yellow-color: #FFCD0F;
    $custom-palette: palette(
      $primary: $black-color,
      $secondary: $yellow-color

    After a custom palette has been generated, the igx-color function can be used to obtain different varieties of the primary and the secondary colors.

    $custom-theme: grid-theme(
        $group-row-background: color($custom-palette, "primary", 300),
        $group-row-selected-background: color($custom-palette, "primary", 400),
        $group-label-column-name-text:contrast-color($custom-palette, "primary", 500),
        $group-label-icon: color($custom-palette, "secondary", 600),
        $group-label-text:contrast-color($custom-palette, "primary", 500),
        $group-count-background: color($custom-palette, "secondary", 600),
        $group-count-text-color: color($custom-palette, "primary", 400),
        $expand-icon-color: color($custom-palette, "secondary", 600),
        $expand-icon-hover-color: color($custom-palette, "secondary", 300),
        $cell-active-border-color: color($custom-palette, "secondary", 600)
    $custom-chips-theme: chip-theme(
        $background: color($custom-palette, "primary", 300),
        $text-color:contrast-color($custom-palette, "primary", 500),
        $hover-text-color:contrast-color($custom-palette, "primary", 600)

    Defining custom schemas

    You can go even further and build flexible structure that has all the benefits of a schema. The schema is the recipe of a theme. Extend one of the two predefined schemas, that are provided for every component. In our case, we would use $_light_grid.

    $custom-grid-schema: extend($_light-grid,(
        group-row-background: (igx-color:('secondary', 100)),
        group-row-selected-background: (igx-color:('primary', 400)),
        group-label-column-name-text: (igx-color:('primary', 600)),
        group-label-icon: (igx-color:('primary', 600)),
        group-label-text: (igx-color:('secondary', 700)),
        group-count-background: (igx-color:('primary', 600)),
        group-count-text-color: (igx-color:('secondary', 400)),
        expand-icon-color: (igx-color:('primary', 600)),
        expand-icon-hover-color: (igx-color:('primary', 400))

    In order for the custom schema to be applied, either light, or dark globals has to be extended. The whole process is actually supplying a component with a custom schema and adding it to the respective component theme afterwards.

    $my-custom-schema: extend($light-schema, ( 
        igx-grid: $custom-grid-schema
    $custom-theme: grid-theme(
        $palette: $custom-palette,
        $schema: $my-custom-schema

    Applying the custom theme

    The easiest way to apply your theme is with a sass @include statement in the global styles file:

    @include grid($custom-theme);
    @include chip($custom-chips-theme);

    Scoped component theme

    In order for the custom theme to affect only specific component, you can move all of the styles you just defined from the global styles file to the custom component's style file (including the import of the index file).

    This way, due to Angular's ViewEncapsulation, your styles will be applied only to your custom component.


    If the component is using an Emulated ViewEncapsulation, it is necessary to penetrate this encapsulation using ::ng-deep in order to style the grid.


    Wrap the statement inside of a :host selector to prevent your styles from affecting elements outside of our component:

    :host {
        ::ng-deep {
            @include grid($custom-theme);
            @include chip($custom-chips-theme);



    The sample will not be affected by the selected global theme from Change Theme.

    Known Limitations

    Limitation Description
    Maximum amount of grouped columns is 10. If more than 10 columns are grouped an error is thrown.

    API References

    Additional Resources

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