Angular Hierarchical Grid Size

    IgxHierarchicalGrid design is based on Material Design Guidelines. We currently provide an option to choose between predefined set of size options that will bring a small, medium, or large view respectively. By selecting the right size for your Material UI table / Material UI grid you can significantly improve the user experience when interacting with large amounts of content.

    Angular Hierarchical Grid Size Example


    As you can see in the demo above, the IgxHierarchicalGrid provides three size options: small, medium and large. The code snippet below shows how to set size:

    <igx-hierarchical-grid #hierarchicalGrid [data]="data" style="--ig-size: var(--ig-size-small)">

    And now let's see in details how each option reflects on the Hierarchical Grid component. When you switch between different sizes the height of each Hierarchical Grid element and the corresponding paddings will be changed. Also if you want to apply custom column width, please consider the fact that it must be bigger than the sum of left and right padding.

    • --ig-size-large - this is the default Hierarchical Grid size with the lowest intense and row height equal to 50px. Left and Right paddings are 24px; Minimal column width is 80px;
    • --ig-size-medium - this is the middle size with 40px row height. Left and Right paddings are 16px; Minimal column width is 64px;
    • --ig-size-small - this is the smallest size with 32px row height. Left and Right paddings are 12px; Minimal column width is 56px;

    Please keep in mind that currently you can not override any of the sizes.

    Let's now continue with our sample and see in action how each size is applied. Let's first add a button which will help us to switch between each size:

    <div class="density-chooser">
        <igx-buttongroup [values]="sizes"></igx-buttongroup>
    @ViewChild(IgxButtonGroupComponent) public buttonGroup: IgxButtonGroupComponent;
    public size = 'small';
    public sizes;
    public ngOnInit() {
        this.sizes = [
                label: 'small',
                selected: this.size === 'small',
                togglable: true
                label: 'medium',
                selected: this.sie === 'medium',
                togglable: true
                label: 'large',
                selected: this.size === 'large',
                togglable: true

    Now we can add the markup.

    <div class="density-chooser">
        <igx-buttongroup [values]="sizes" (selected)="selectSize($event)"></igx-buttongroup>
    <igx-hierarchical-grid #hGrid [data]="localdata" [height]="'600px'" [width]="'100%'" [allowFiltering]="true">
        <igx-column field="CustomerID"></igx-column>
        <igx-column field="CompanyName"></igx-column>
        <igx-column field="ContactName"></igx-column>
        <igx-column field="ContactTitle"></igx-column>
        <igx-column field="Address"></igx-column>
        <igx-column field="City"></igx-column>
        <igx-column field="PostalCode"></igx-column>
        <igx-column field="Country"></igx-column>
        <igx-column field="Phone"></igx-column>
        <igx-column field="Fax"></igx-column>
        <igx-row-island [key]="'Orders'" [autoGenerate]="false" #layout1 >
                <igx-column field="OrderID"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="EmployeeID"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="OrderDate"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="RequiredDate"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="ShippedDate"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="ShipVia"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="Freight"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="ShipName"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="ShipAddress"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="ShipCity"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="ShipPostalCode"></igx-column>
                <igx-column field="ShipCountry"></igx-column>
            <igx-row-island [key]="'OrderDetails'" [autoGenerate]="false">
                    <igx-column field="ProductID"></igx-column>
                    <igx-column field="UnitPrice"></igx-column>
                    <igx-column field="Quantity"></igx-column>
                    <igx-column field="Discount"></igx-column>

    Finally, let's provide the necessary logic in order to actually apply the size:

    @ViewChild('hierarchicalGrid', { read: IgxHierarchicalGridComponent })
    public hierarchicalGrid: IgxHierarchicalGridComponent;
    public selectSize(event: any) {
        this.size = this.sizes[event.index].label;
    protected get sizeStyle() {
        return `var(--ig-size-${this.size})`;

    Another option that IgxHierarchicalGrid provides for you, in order to be able to change the height of the rows in the Hierarchical Grid, is the property rowHeight. So let's see in action how this property affects the Hierarchical Grid layout along with the --ig-size CSS variable.

    Please keep in mind the following:

    • --ig-size CSS variable will have NO impact on row height if there is rowHeight specified;
    • --ig-size will affect all of the rest elements in the Hierarchical Grid, as it has been described above;

    And now we can extend our sample and add rowHeight property to the Hierarchical Grid:

    <igx-hierarchical-grid #hierarchicalGrid [data]="data" [rowHeight]="'80px'" width="100%" 
    height="550px" [allowFiltering]="true">

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