
Creating a Basic Gauge Using the Gauge Designer

Before You Begin

Creating a Radial gauge using the Gauge Designer:

  • allows you to save your gauge as a preset and use it for future applications

  • allows you to see your gauge as it is being created in the interactive preview area

  • simplifies the process of editing the properties on your gauge

What You Will Accomplish

Using the Gauge Designer to create a basic Radial gauge will help you understand the fundamentals of the Gauge Designer.

Follow these Steps

  1. From the toolbox, drag the UltraGauge control to your form. The Gauge Designer opens.

wingauge designer that appears when ultragauge is placed on a form.
  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand Gauges.

  2. Click Add Gauge…​ and select New Radial Gauge.

  3. Expand Radial Gauge and select Dial.

  4. In the Properties panel, click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, add the following brush elements with the specified properties:

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • start color — 161, 161, 161

      • color stop — 96, 96, 96

      • color stop offset — 0.4758621

      • end color — 89, 89, 89

    • Solid brush element

      • color — Gray

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • start color — Transparent

      • color stop — 141, 141, 141

      • color stop offset — 0.06206897

      • color stop — 82, 82, 82

      • color stop offset — 0.07586207

      • color stop — 45, 45, 45

      • color stop offset — 0.1448276

      • color stop — 30, 30, 30

      • color stop offset — 0.2448276

      • end color — 60, 60, 60

  1. In the Stroke pane of the Appearance tab set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Details — Silver

    • Style — Solid

    • Thickness — 1

    • Alignment — Center

Wingauge designer with radial gauge on it.
  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand Scales.

  2. Click Add Scale…​ and select New Scale.

  3. In Properties panel, click the Scale Layout tab. In the Sweep Angle pane, set the following properties:

    • Start — 135

    • End — 405

  1. Click the Axis pane of the Scale Layout tab and set the End Value to 100.00\.

  2. In the Gauge Explorer, expand the newly created scale, and select Labels.

  3. In the Properties panel, click the Labels Layout tab. In the Orientation pane, set the following properties:

    • Extent — 55

    • Orientation — Outward

  1. Click the Formatting pane of the Labels Layout tab and set the following properties:

    • Frequency — 20.00

    • Span Max — 18

  1. Click the Labels Appearance tab. In the Brush pane set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — White

  1. Click the Font pane of the Labels Appearance tab, and set the following properties:

    • Font size — 12

    • Type — Pixel

    • Style — Bold

wingauge's designer with labels appeared.
  1. In the Gauge Explorer, select Major Tickmarks.

  2. In the Properties panel, click the Tickmark Layout tab. In the Extent pane set the following properties:

    • Start — 67

    • End — 79

  1. Click the Widths pane of the Tickmark Layout tab, and set the following properties:

    • Start — 3

    • End — 3

  1. Click the Orientation pane of the Tickmark Layout tab, and set the following property:

    • Frequency — 10.00

  1. Click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — 189, 189, 189

  1. In the Gauge Explorer, select Minor Tickmarks.

  2. In the Properties Panel, click the Tickmark Layout tab. In the Extent pane, set the following properties:

    • Start — 73

    • End — 78

  1. In the Widths pane of the Tickmark Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Start — 1

    • End — 1

  1. In the Orientation pane of the Tickmark Layout tab, set the following property:

    • Frequency — 2.00

  1. Click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — 240, 240, 240

  1. In the Stroke pane of the Appearance tab, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — 135, 135, 135

wingauge's designer with tickmarks.
  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand Markers.

  2. Click Add Marker…​ and select New Needle.

  3. In the Properties Panel, click the Needle Marker Layout tab. In the Widths and Extents pane, set the following properties:

    • Widths

      • Start — 3

      • Mid — 3

      • End — 1

    • Extents

      • Start — -20

      • Mid — 0

      • End — 65

  1. In the Value and Units pane of the Needle Marker Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Value — 95.00

    • Precision — 1.00

    • Units — Percent

  1. Click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — 255, 61, 22

  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand the newly created needle marker, and select Anchor.

  2. In the Properties panel, click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, set the following properties:

    • Type — SimpleGradient

    • Start Color — Gainsboro

    • End Color — 64, 64, 64

    • Gradient Style — BackwardDiagonal

  1. In the Stroke pane of the Appearance tab, set the following properties:

    • Type — RadialGradient

    • SurroundColor — Gray

    • CenterColor — WhiteSmoke

    • FocusScale — 0,0

    • CenterPoint — 75, 25

  1. You have now successfully created a basic Radial gauge using the Gauge Designer. Your gauge should look like the gauge in the following screen shot.

finished basic radial gauge created using the designer.