Angular Charts API

    The Ignite UI for Angular charts provide simple and easy to use APIs to plot your data in IgxCategoryChartComponent, IgxFinancialChartComponent, IgxDataChartComponent, IgxDataPieChartComponent, IgxDoughnutChartComponent, IgxPieChartComponent, and IgxSparklineComponent UI elements.

    Angular Category Chart API

    The Angular IgxCategoryChartComponent has the following API members:

    Chart Properties Axis Properties Series Properties
    - chartType
    - excludedProperties
    - includedProperties
    - isHorizontalZoomEnabled
    - isVerticalZoomEnabled
    - crosshairsDisplayMode
    - transitionInMode
    - highlightingBehavior
    - highlightingMode
    - trendLineType
    - xAxisInterval
    - xAxisLabelLocation
    - xAxisGap
    - xAxisOverlap
    - xAxisTitle
    - yAxisInterval
    - yAxisLabelLocation
    - yAxisTitle
    - yAxisMinimumValue
    - yAxisMaximumValue
    - brushes
    - outlines
    - markerBrushes
    - markerOutlines
    - markerTypes
    - toolTipType

    Angular Financial Chart API

    The Angular IgxFinancialChartComponent has the following API members:

    Chart Properties Axis Properties Series Properties
    - chartType
    - excludedProperties
    - includedProperties
    - isHorizontalZoomEnabled
    - isVerticalZoomEnabled
    - toolTipType
    - crosshairsDisplayMode
    - highlightingBehavior
    - highlightingMode
    - trendLineType
    - xAxisInterval
    - xAxisLabelLocation
    - xAxisTitle
    - yAxisInterval
    - yAxisLabelLocation
    - yAxisTitle
    - yAxisMinimumValue
    - yAxisMaximumValue
    - yAxisMode
    - xAxisMode
    - brushes
    - outlines
    - markerBrushes
    - markerOutlines
    - markerTypes
    - indicatorTypes
    - volumeType
    - zoomSliderType

    Angular Data Chart API

    The Angular IgxDataChartComponent has the following API members:

    Chart Properties Axis Classes
    - chartTitle
    - subtitle
    - isHorizontalZoomEnabled
    - isVerticalZoomEnabled
    - brushes
    - outlines
    - markerBrushes
    - markerOutlines
    - XamDataChart.Axes
    - IgxSeriesComponent
    - IgxAxisComponent is base class for all axis types
    - IgxCategoryXAxisComponent used with Category Series, Stacked Series, and Financial Series
    - IgxCategoryYAxisComponent used with Category Series, Stacked Series
    - IgxCategoryAngleAxisComponent used with Radial Series
    - IgxNumericXAxisComponent used with Scatter Series and Bar Series
    - IgxNumericYAxisComponent used with Scatter Series, Category Series, Stacked Series, and Financial Series
    - IgxNumericAngleAxisComponent used with Polar Series
    - IgxNumericRadiusAxisComponent used with Polar Series and Radial Series
    - IgxTimeXAxisComponent used with Category Series and Financial Series

    The Angular IgxDataChartComponent can use the following type of series that inherit from IgxSeriesComponent:

    Category Series Stacked Series
    - IgxAreaSeriesComponent
    - IgxBarSeriesComponent
    - IgxColumnSeriesComponent
    - IgxLineSeriesComponent
    - IgxPointSeriesComponent
    - IgxSplineSeriesComponent
    - IgxSplineAreaSeriesComponent
    - IgxStepLineSeriesComponent
    - IgxStepAreaSeriesComponent
    - IgxRangeAreaSeriesComponent
    - IgxRangeColumnSeriesComponent
    - IgxWaterfallSeriesComponent
    - IgxStackedAreaSeriesComponent
    - IgxStackedBarSeriesComponent
    - IgxStackedColumnSeriesComponent
    - IgxStackedLineSeriesComponent
    - IgxStackedSplineSeriesComponent
    - IgxStacked100AreaSeriesComponent
    - IgxStacked100BarSeriesComponent
    - IgxStacked100ColumnSeriesComponent
    - IgxStacked100LineSeriesComponent
    - IgxStacked100SplineSeriesComponent

    Scatter Series Financial Series
    - IgxBubbleSeriesComponent
    - IgxHighDensityScatterSeriesComponent
    - IgxScatterSeriesComponent
    - IgxScatterLineSeriesComponent
    - IgxScatterSplineSeriesComponent
    - IgxScatterAreaSeriesComponent
    - IgxScatterContourSeriesComponent
    - IgxScatterPolylineSeriesComponent
    - IgxScatterPolygonSeriesComponent

    - IgxFinancialPriceSeriesComponent
    - IgxBollingerBandsOverlayComponent
    - IgxForceIndexIndicatorComponent
    - IgxMedianPriceIndicatorComponent
    - IgxMassIndexIndicatorComponent
    - IgxRelativeStrengthIndexIndicatorComponent
    - IgxStandardDeviationIndicatorComponent
    - IgxTypicalPriceIndicatorComponent
    - IgxWeightedCloseIndicatorComponent
    - and many more
    Radial Series Polar Series
    - IgxRadialLineSeriesComponent
    - IgxRadialAreaSeriesComponent
    - IgxRadialPieSeriesComponent
    - IgxRadialColumnSeriesComponent

    - IgxPolarScatterSeriesComponent
    - IgxPolarLineSeriesComponent
    - IgxPolarAreaSeriesComponent
    - IgxPolarSplineSeriesComponent
    - IgxPolarSplineAreaSeriesComponent

    Angular Data Legend API

    The Angular IgxDataLegendComponent has the following API members:

    Angular Donut Chart API

    The Angular IgxDoughnutChartComponent has the following API members:

    Angular Data Pie Chart API

    The Angular IgxDataPieChartComponent has the following API members:

    Angular Pie Chart API

    The Angular IgxPieChartComponent has the following API members:

    Angular Sparkline Chart API

    The Angular IgxSparklineComponent has the following API members:

    Additional Resources

    You can find more information about charts in these topics: