Angular Binding and Overlaying Multiple Shape Files
In the Ignite UI for Angular map, you can add multiple geographic series objects to overlay a few shapefiles with geo-spacial data. For example, IgxGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent
for plotting geographic locations of ports, the IgxGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent
for plotting routes between ports, and the IgxGeographicShapeSeriesComponent
for plotting shapes of countries.
Angular Binding and Overlaying Multiple Shape Files Example
This topic takes you step-by-step towards displaying multiple geographic series in the map component. All geographic series plot following geo-spatial data loaded from shape files using the IgxShapeDataSource
class. Refer to the Binding Shape Files topic for more information about IgxShapeDataSource
– displays locations of major citiesIgxGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent
– displays routes between major portsIgxGeographicShapeSeriesComponent
– displays shapes of countries of the world
You can use geographic series in above or other combinations to plot desired data.
Importing Components
First, let's import required components and modules:
import { IgxGeographicMapComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
import { IgxGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
import { IgxGeographicShapeSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
import { IgxGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
import { IgxShapeDataSource } from 'igniteui-angular-core';
Creating Series
Next, we need to create a map with a few Geographic Series that will later load different type of shapefile.
<div className="sampleRoot">
<div className="map" >
zoomable="true" >
<igx-geographic-shape-series #shapeSeries
shapeFill="rgb(150, 150, 150)"
shapeStrokeThickness={1.0} >
<igx-geographic-polyline-series #polylineSeries
shapeStroke="rgba(147, 15, 180, 0.5)"
thickness={3.0} >
<igx-geographic-symbol-series #symbolSeries
markerOutline="rgb(2, 102, 196)"
markerBrush="White" >
<ng-template let-series="series" let-item="item" #polylineTooltipTemplate>
<span>{{item.capacity}}</span><br />
<span>Distance: {{item.distance}}</span>
<ng-template let-series="series" let-item="item" #shapeTooltipTemplate>
<span>{{}}</span><br />
<span>Population: {{item.population}}</span>
<ng-template let-series="series" let-item="item" #pointTooltipTemplate>
<span [style.color]="series.brush">City: {{}}</span>
Loading Shapefiles
Next, in constructor of your page, add a IgxShapeDataSource
for each shapefile that you want to display in the geographic map component.
const sdsPolygons = new IgxShapeDataSource();
sdsPolygons.importCompleted = this.onPolygonsLoaded;
sdsPolygons.shapefileSource = url + "/shapes/WorldCountries.shp";
sdsPolygons.databaseSource = url + "/shapes/WorldCountries.dbf";
const sdsPolylines = new IgxShapeDataSource();
sdsPolylines.importCompleted = this.onPolylinesLoaded;
sdsPolylines.shapefileSource = url + "/shapes/WorldConnections.shp";
sdsPolylines.databaseSource = url + "/shapes/WorldConnections.dbf";
const sdsLocations = new IgxShapeDataSource();
sdsLocations.importCompleted = this.onPointsLoaded;
sdsLocations.shapefileSource = url + "/Shapes/WorldCities.shp";
sdsLocations.databaseSource = url + "/Shapes/WorldCities.dbf";
Processing Polygons
Process shapes data loaded in IgxShapeDataSource
with of countries of the world and assign it to IgxGeographicShapeSeriesComponent
import { IgxGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
import { IgxShapeDataSource } from 'igniteui-angular-core';
// ...
public onPolygonsLoaded(sds: IgxShapeDataSource, e: any) {
const geoPolygons: any[] = [];
// parsing shapefile data and creating geo-polygons
let pointData = sds.getPointData();
for ( let i = 0; i < pointData.length; i++ ) {
let record = pointData[i];
// using field/column names from .DBF file
const country = {
points: record.points,
name: record.fieldValues.NAME,
gdp: record.fieldValues.GDP,
population: record.fieldValues.POPULATION
const shapeSeries = this.geoMap.series[0] as IgxGeographicShapeSeries;
shapeSeries.dataSource = geoPolygons;
Processing Polyline
Process shapes data loaded in IgxShapeDataSource
with communication routes between major cities and assign it to IgxGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent
import { IgxGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
import { IgxShapeDataSource } from 'igniteui-angular-core';
// ...
public onPolylinesLoaded(sds: IgxShapeDataSource, e: any) {
const geoPolylines: any[] = [];
// parsing shapefile data and creating geo-polygons
let pointData = sds.getPointData();
for ( let i = 0; i < pointData.length; i++ ) {
let record = pointData[i];
// using field/column names from .DBF file
const route = {
points: record.points,
name: record.fieldValues.Name,
capacity: record.fieldValues.CapacityG,
distance: record.fieldValues.DistanceKM,
isOverLand: record.fieldValues.OverLand === 0,
isActive: record.fieldValues.NotLive !== 0,
service: record.fieldValues.InService
const lineSeries = this.geoMap.series[1] as IgxGeographicPolylineSeries;
lineSeries.dataSource = geoPolylines;
Processing Points
Process shapes data loaded in IgxShapeDataSource
with locations of major cities and assign it to IgxGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent
import { IgxGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
import { IgxShapeDataSource } from 'igniteui-angular-core';
// ...
public onPointsLoaded(sds: IgxShapeDataSource, e: any) {
const geoLocations: any[] = [];
// parsing shapefile data and creating geo-locations
let pointData = sds.getPointData();
for ( let i = 0; i < pointData.length; i++ ) {
let record = pointData[i];
const pop = record.fieldValues.POPULATION;
if (pop > 0) {
// each shapefile record has just one point
const location = {
latitude: record.points[0][0].y,
longitude: record.points[0][0].x,
city: record.fieldValues.NAME,
population: pop
const symbolSeries = this.geoMap.series[2] as IgxGeographicSymbolSeries;
symbolSeries.dataSource = geoLocations;
Map Background
Also, you might want to hide geographic imagery from the map background content if your shape files provided sufficient geographic context (e.g. shape of countries) for your application.
public geoMap: IgxGeographicMapComponent;
// ...
this.geoMap.backgroundContent = {};
For your convenience, all above code snippets are combined into one code block below that you can easily copy to your project.
import { AfterViewInit, Component, TemplateRef, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
import { IgxShapeDataSource } from 'igniteui-angular-core';
import { IgxGeographicMapComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
import { IgxGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent } from "igniteui-angular-maps";
import { IgxGeographicShapeSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
import { IgxGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-maps';
selector: "app-map-binding-multiple-shapes-files",
styleUrls: ["./map-binding-multiple-shapes-files.component.scss"],
templateUrl: "./map-binding-multiple-shapes-files.component.html"
export class MapBindingMultipleShapesComponent implements AfterViewInit {
@ViewChild ("map")
public map: IgxGeographicMapComponent;
@ViewChild ("shapeSeries")
public shapeSeries: IgxGeographicShapeSeriesComponent;
@ViewChild ("polylineSeries")
public polylineSeries: IgxGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent;
@ViewChild ("symbolSeries")
public symbolSeries: IgxGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent;
public polylineTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<object>;
public shapeTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<object>;
public pointTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<object>;
constructor() {
public ngAfterViewInit(): void { = { left: 0.2, top: 0.1, width: 0.6, height: 0.6 };
// loading a shapefile with geographic polygons
const sdsPolygons = new IgxShapeDataSource();
sdsPolygons.importCompleted.subscribe(() => this.onPolygonsLoaded(sdsPolygons, ""));
sdsPolygons.shapefileSource = "assets/Shapes/WorldCountries.shp";
sdsPolygons.databaseSource = "assets/Shapes/WorldCountries.dbf";
// loading a shapefile with geographic polylines at runtime.
const sdsPolylines = new IgxShapeDataSource();
sdsPolylines.shapefileSource = "assets/Shapes/WorldCableRoutes.shp";
sdsPolylines.databaseSource = "assets/Shapes/WorldCableRoutes.dbf";
sdsPolylines.importCompleted.subscribe(() => this.onPolylinesLoaded(sdsPolylines, ""));
// loading a shapefile with geographic points
const sdsPoints = new IgxShapeDataSource();
sdsPoints.importCompleted.subscribe(() => this.onPointsLoaded(sdsPoints, ""));
sdsPoints.shapefileSource = "assets/Shapes/WorldCities.shp";
sdsPoints.databaseSource = "assets/Shapes/WorldCities.dbf";
public onPointsLoaded(sds: IgxShapeDataSource, e: any) {
const geoLocations: any[] = [];
// parsing shapefile data and creating geo-locations
for (const record of sds.getPointData()) {
const pop = record.fieldValues["POPULATION"];
if (pop > 0) {
// each shapefile record has just one point
const location = {
city: record.fieldValues["NAME"],
latitude: record.points[0][0].y,
longitude: record.points[0][0].x,
population: pop
this.symbolSeries.dataSource = geoLocations;
this.symbolSeries.tooltipTemplate = this.pointTooltipTemplate;
public onPolylinesLoaded(sds: IgxShapeDataSource, e: any) {
const geoPolylines: any[] = [];
// parsing shapefile data and creating geo-polygons
for (const record of sds.getPointData()) {
// using field/column names from .DBF file
const route = {
capacity: record.fieldValues["CapacityG"],
distance: record.fieldValues["DistanceKM"],
isActive: record.fieldValues["NotLive"] !== 0,
isOverLand: record.fieldValues["OverLand"] === 0,
name: record.fieldValues["Name"],
points: record.points,
service: record.fieldValues["InService"]
this.polylineSeries.dataSource = geoPolylines;
this.polylineSeries.shapeMemberPath = "points";
this.polylineSeries.shapeFilterResolution = 2.0;
this.polylineSeries.shapeStrokeThickness = 2;
this.polylineSeries.shapeStroke = "rgba(252, 32, 32, 0.9)";
this.polylineSeries.tooltipTemplate = this.polylineTooltipTemplate;
public onPolygonsLoaded(sds: IgxShapeDataSource, e: any) {
const geoPolygons: any[] = [];
// parsing shapefile data and creating geo-polygons
sds.getPointData().forEach((record) => {
// using field/column names from .DBF file
const country = {
gdp: record.fieldValues["GDP"],
name: record.fieldValues["NAME"],
points: record.points,
population: record.fieldValues["POPULATION"]
this.shapeSeries.dataSource = geoPolygons;
this.shapeSeries.tooltipTemplate = this.shapeTooltipTemplate;
API References