React Column Types

    The Ignite UI for React Data Table / Data Grid supports 5 column types, plus a Template Column type, giving you complete flexibility over the way your data is displayed in the React data grid. Column types supported are Text column, Numeric column, DateTime column, Image column, ComboBox and Template.

    Each column binds to data by setting the Field property to the name of the corresponding property on the items of your underlying data source bound to the React data grid.

    React Column Types Example

    Text Column

    The React data grid is used for displaying formatted text in its associated cells. This is the default column type used to display data of the string type.

    Numeric Column

    The IgrNumericColumn is used for displaying a formatted numeric value in its associated cells and enables control of decimal place placement within cells and displaying fractional digits.

    DateTime Column

    The IgrDateTimeColumn is used for displaying Date objects in its associated cells and enables control to format the Date objects how you see fit.

    Image Column

    The IgrImageColumn is used for displaying an image within a cell and exposes options for image stretch customization for cells by using its imageStretchOption option.

    You can also choose what type of resource your image is by setting the ImageResourceType option.

    ComboBox Column

    The IgrComboBoxColumn is used for displaying a drop-down list from which your end users can select a single item.

    Data binding can be achieved using an array of complex objects via the column's DataSource property.

    The textField property determines which value is shown when users make a selection.

    The valueField property determines the bound value of the underlying data item selected. This is necessary if your list of objects have several properties.

    Template Column

    The IgrTemplateColumn is used in conjunction with a cell template. It enables you to apply a custom template to the column's cell. This is done by handling the CellUpdating event of the template column.

    The CellUpdating event's arguments expose the IgrTemplateColumn that fires the event as well as a IgrTemplateCellUpdatingEventArgs parameter. This event arguments parameter exposes a Content property that returns the HTMLDivElement that will be placed within the associated cells of the column. You can then append new elements to this div.

    The IgrTemplateCellUpdatingEventArgs also exposes a CellInfo property that you can use to get a TemplateCellInfo object. This object exposes information about the cell and the row, such as the index, underlying data item, and appearance of the cell.

    Sparkline Column

    You can embed Sparkline components in IgrTemplateColumn to show more complex data structures. Refer to the Column Sparkline topic for information on how to do this.

    Code Snippet

    The following demonstrates the implementation of each of the columns described in this topic:

        <IgrTextColumn field="FirstName" headerText="First Name" />
        <IgrTextColumn field="LastName" headerText="Last Name" />
        <IgrComboBoxColumn field="City" headerText="City" dataSource={this.cityList} textField="name"/>
        <IgrTemplateColumn field="Address" headerText="Address"
                           cellUpdating={this.onAddressCellUpdating} />
        <IgrImageColumn field="Photo" headerText="Photo"
                        imageResourceType="LocalAsset" />
        <IgrNumericColumn field="Age" headerText="Age"  />
        <IgrDateTimeColumn field="Birthday" headerText="Date of Birth"  />
    import { IgrTemplateCellUpdatingEventArgs } from 'igniteui-react-grids';
    import { IgrTemplateCellInfo } from 'igniteui-react-grids';
    import { IgrTemplateColumn } from 'igniteui-react-grids';
    import { IgrComboBoxColumn } from 'igniteui-react-grids';
    public onAddressCellUpdating(s: IgrTemplateColumn, e: IgrTemplateCellUpdatingEventArgs) {
        const content = e.content as HTMLDivElement;
        let span1: HTMLSpanElement | null = null;
        let span2: HTMLSpanElement | null = null;
        const info = e.cellInfo as IgrTemplateCellInfo;
        const item = info.rowItem;
        if (content.childElementCount === 0) {
            span1 = document.createElement("span");
            span2 = document.createElement("span");
   = "top";
   = "15px";
   = "normal";
   = "inline-grid";
   = "Verdana";
   = "13px";
        else {
            span1 = content.children[0] as HTMLSpanElement;
            span2 = content.children[1] as HTMLSpanElement;
        if (span1 && span2) {
            span1.textContent = item.Street;
            span2.textContent = item.City + ", " + item.Country;

    The following is a sample data source to use with the above columns.

    const maleNames: string[] = ["Kyle", "Oscar", "Ralph", "Torrey", "Bill", "Frank", "Howard", "Jack", "Larry", "Pete", "Steve", "Vince", "Mark", "Alex", "Max", "Brian", "Chris", "Andrew", "Martin", "Mike", "Steve", "Glenn", "Bruce"];
    const femaleNames: string[] = ["Gina", "Irene", "Katie", "Brenda", "Casey", "Fiona", "Holly", "Kate", "Liz", "Pamela", "Nelly", "Marisa", "Monica", "Anna", "Jessica", "Sofia", "Isabella", "Margo", "Jane", "Audrey", "Sally", "Melanie", "Greta", "Aurora", "Sally"];
    const lastNames: string[] = ["Adams", "Crowley", "Ellis", "Martinez", "Irvine", "Maxwell", "Clark", "Owens", "Rooney", "Lincoln", "Thomas", "Spacey", "Betts", "King", "Newton", "Fitzgerald", "Holmes", "Jefferson", "Landry", "Newberry", "Perez", "Spencer", "Starr", "Carter", "Edwards", "Stark", "Johnson", "Fitz", "Chief", "Blanc", "Perry", "Stone", "Williams", "Lane", "Jobs", "Adama", "Power", "Tesla"];
    const genders: string[] = ["male", "female"];
    const cities: string[] = ["New York, New York", "Columbus, Ohio", "Los Angeles, California", "Orlando, Florida", "New Orleans, Louisiana", "Las Vegas, Nevada", "Atlanta, Georgia"];
    const roadSuffixes: string[] = ["Road", "Street", "Court", "Way"];
    const roadNames: string[] = ["Alpha", "Beta", "Charlie", "Delta", "Echo", "Foxtrot", "Golf", "Hotel", "India", "Julia", "Kilo", "Lima", "Mike", "November"];
    const people: any[] = [];
    let maleCount: number = 0;
    let femaleCount: number = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
        const age: number = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(20, 40));
        const today: Date = new Date();
        const gender: string = this.getRandomItem(genders);
        let firstName: string;
        const lastName: string = this.getRandomItem(lastNames);
        const propertyNum: string = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(1, 300)).toString();
        const cityState: string = this.getRandomItem(cities);
        const road: string = this.getRandomItem(roadNames) + " " + this.getRandomItem(roadSuffixes);
        let photoPath: string;
        if (gender === "male") {
            firstName = this.getRandomItem(maleNames);
            if (maleCount > 26) {
                 maleCount = 0;
            if (maleCount < 10) {
                photoPath = '/assets/GUY0' + maleCount.toString() + '.png';
            else {
                photoPath = '/assets/GUY' + maleCount.toString() + '.png';
        else {
            firstName = this.getRandomItem(femaleNames);
            if (femaleCount > 24) {
                femaleCount = 0;
            if (femaleCount < 10) {
                photoPath = '/assets/GIRL0' + femaleCount.toString() + '.png';
            else {
                photoPath = '/assets/GIRL' + femaleCount.toString() + '.png';
        const path: string = './assets/GIRL01.png';
        const birthday: Date = new Date(today.getFullYear() - age, Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(1, 12)), Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(1, 28)));
            Address: propertyNum + " " + road + ", " + cityState,
            Age: age,
            Birthday: birthday,
            City: cityState,
            FirstName: firstName,
            LastName: lastName,
            Photo: path,
            Street: propertyNum + " " + road + ","
    } = people;
    public getRandomNumber(min: number, max: number): number {
        return min + Math.random() * (max - min);
    public getRandomItem(array: any[]): any {
        const index = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(0, array.length - 1));
        return array[index];

    API References