
Customize Appearance of Tick Marks

You can customize the appearance of the WebSlider™ control’s tick marks according to your specifications. WebSlider exposes various properties allowing for a stylized look in the tick marks.

You can set several options for the appearance of WebSlider’s tick marks.

  • Number of major tick marks - breaks the range of values into major sections.

  • Number of minor tick marks - breaks the major tick marks into smaller sections.

  • Number of Labels - displays sectional values on the track.

  • Label location


The number of major tick marks includes the end points; therefore, the minimum number you can set is 2. Minor tick marks do not include the major tick marks they are within.

The following example code demonstrates how to divide WebSlider’s track into four labeled sections with five major tickmarks. Each major tick mark is sub-divided into five minor parts.

WebSlider Customize Appearance of Tick Marks 01.png

In Visual Basic:

Me.WebSlider1.Tickmarks.NumberOfMajorTickmarks = 5
' Label each major tick mark with its associating value
Me.WebSlider1.Tickmarks.NumberOfLabels = 5
Me.WebSlider1.Tickmarks.NumberOfMinorTickmarks = 4

In C#:

this.WebSlider1.Tickmarks.NumberOfMajorTickmarks = 5;
// Label each major tick mark with its associating value
this.WebSlider1.Tickmarks.NumberOfLabels = 5;
this.WebSlider1.Tickmarks.NumberOfMinorTickmarks = 4;