Web Components Dock Manager Overview

    The Infragistics Web Components Dock Manager provides a means to manage the layout of your application through panes, allowing your end-users to customize it further by pinning, resizing, moving, maximizing and hiding panes.

    Web Components Dock Manager Example

    This example shows most functionalities and docking options of the IgcDockManagerComponent that you can use in your application.

    To install the Dock Manager package execute the following command:

    npm install --save igniteui-dockmanager

    Then it is necessary to import and call the defineCustomElements() function:

    import { defineCustomElements } from 'igniteui-dockmanager/loader';


    Once the Dock Manager is imported, you can add it on the page:

    <igc-dockmanager id="dockManager">

    [!Note] Since the Dock Manager component uses ShadowDOM and slots it is not supported on older browsers like Internet Explorer 11 and Edge 18 and below (non-Chromium versions).

    The Dock Manager has a layout property, which describes the layout of the panes. To start defining a layout, you should set the rootPane property and add child panes. Here is how you can define a layout with a single content pane:

    import { IgcDockManagerPaneType, IgcSplitPaneOrientation, IgcDockManagerComponent } from 'igniteui-dockmanager';
    // ...
    this.dockManager = document.getElementById("dockManager") as IgcDockManagerComponent;
    this.dockManager.layout = {
        rootPane: {
            type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.splitPane,
            orientation: IgcSplitPaneOrientation.horizontal,
            panes: [
                    type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
                    contentId: 'content1',
                    header: 'Pane 1'

    To load the content of the panes, the Dock Manager uses slots. The slot attribute of the content element should match the contentId of the content pane in the layout configuration. It is highly recommended to set width and height of the content elements to 100% for predictable response when the end-user is resizing panes.

    <igc-dockmanager id="dockManager">
        <div slot="content1" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">Content 1</div>

    The Dock Manager defines several pane types:

    Each type of pane has a size property. Depending on the parent orientation the size may affect either the width or the height of the pane. The size of a pane is relative to the sizes of its sibling panes and defaults to 100. If you have two sibling panes, where the first one has size set to 200 and the second one - size set to 100, the first will be twice the size of the second one. If the absolute size of their parent is 900px, they will be sized to 600px and 300px respectively.

    The end-user can perform the following actions to customize the layout at runtime:

    • Pin/unpin a pane
    • Resize a pane
    • Close a pane
    • Drag a pane to make it float
    • Move a floating pane
    • Dock a floating pane
    • Maximize a pane

    All of these are reflected in the layout property of the Dock Manager.

    Content Pane

    The IgcContentPane represents a pane with header and content. It can be hosted inside a Split Pane or a Tab Group Pane. Here is how a content pane is defined:

    const contentPane: IgcContentPane = {
        type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
        contentId: 'content1',
        header: 'Pane 1'

    The header property is used to provide a text header for the content pane. This text is rendered at several places: the top content pane header, the tab header if the pane is in a tab group and the unpinned header if the pane is unpinned. You can provide a custom slot content for each of these places respectively using the headerId, tabHeaderId and unpinnedHeaderId properties. If any of these properties is not set, the header text is used. Here is how to provide a tab header slot content:

    <igc-dockmanager id="dockManager">
        <div slot="content1" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">Content 1</div>
        <span slot="tabHeader1">Pane 1 Tab</span>
    const contentPane: IgcContentPane = {
        type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
        contentId: 'content1',
        header: 'Pane 1',
        tabHeaderId: 'tabHeader1'

    When a pane is unpinned, it appears as a tab header at one of the edges of the Dock Manager. If the end-user selects it, its content appears over the docked pinned panes. To unpin a content pane, set its isPinned property to false.

    const contentPane = {
        type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
        contentId: 'content1',
        header: 'Pane 1',
        isPinned: false

    The isPinned property affects only content panes that are docked outside a document host. Also, content panes hosted in a floating pane cannot be unpinned.

    By default, the unpin destination for a content pane is calculated automatically based on the location of the pane relative to the document host. When more than one document host is defined, the nearest one in the parent hierarchy of the unpinned content pane will be used. If there is no document host defined, the default location is used - Left. It is also possible to set the desired destination of the unpinned pane by using the unpinnedLocation property.

    You can configure which end-user operations are allowed for a content pane using its allowClose, allowPinning, allowDocking and allowFloating properties.

    When defining a content pane, you can set the documentOnly property to true so the pane can be docked only in a document host.

    To restrict the user interaction with the content pane and its content, you can set the disabled property to true. This will prevent all user interactions with the pane unless it is a single floating pane. The latter could be moved, maximized or closed (according to the pane's settings for maximizing and closing), so the user can have a look at the elements under it but will not be able to interact with its content.

    By default, when you close a pane it gets removed from the layout object. However, in some cases you would want to temporary hide the pane and show it later again. In order to do that without changing the layout object you can use the hidden property of the content pane. Setting the property to true will hide it from the UI, but it will remain in the layout object. In order to override the default close behavior you can subscribe to the PaneClose event like this:

    this.dockManager.addEventListener('paneClose', ev => {
        for (const pane of ev.detail.panes) {
            pane.hidden = true;

    Split Pane

    The IgcSplitPane is a container pane which stacks all of its child panes horizontally or vertically based on its orientation property. Here is how a horizontal split pane with two child content panes is defined:

    const splitPane: IgcSplitPane = {
        type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.splitPane,
        orientation: IgcSplitPaneOrientation.horizontal,
        panes: [
                type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
                contentId: 'content1',
                header: 'Pane 1'
                type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
                contentId: 'content2',
                header: 'Pane 2'

    The split pane may contain child panes of all pane types including other split panes.

    By default, if the split pane is empty it is not displayed. Yet if you would like to change that behavior you can set its allowEmpty property to true and the split pane will be presented in the UI even when there is no panes inside it.

    Tab Group Pane

    The IgcTabGroupPane displays its child content panes as the tabs of a tab component. Here is how a tab group pane with a content pane for each of its two tabs is defined:

    const tabGroupPane: IgcTabGroupPane = {
        type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.tabGroupPane,
        panes: [
                type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
                contentId: 'content1',
                header: 'Pane 1'
                type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
                contentId: 'content2',
                header: 'Pane 2'

    If there is not enough space to display all tab headers, the tab group shows More tabs menu, which contains the non-visible tabs. If you click a tab item in that menu, the tab gets selected and moved to the first position.

    The tabs also can be reordered without being detached from the tab group in which they are located. You can click on a tab of your choice and drag it left or right to the position you want it to be. If you drag the selected tab outside of the tabs area it will be detached into a floating pane.

    In case you would like the tab group pane to be displayed in the UI when it has no tabs, you can set the allowEmpty property to true.

    Document Host

    The IgcDocumentHost is an area of tabs for documents, similar to the one in Visual Studio for code editing and design view. Here is how to define a document host with two document tabs:

    const docHost: IgcDocumentHost = {
        type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.documentHost,
        rootPane: {
            type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.splitPane,
            orientation: IgcSplitPaneOrientation.horizontal,
            panes: [
                    type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.tabGroupPane,
                    panes: [
                            type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
                            contentId: 'content1',
                            header: 'Grid'
                            type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
                            contentId: 'content4',
                            header: 'List'

    Floating Pane

    The floating pane is a split pane rendered above all other ones in a floating window. The floating pane definitions are stored in the floatingPanes property of the layout. Here is how to add a floating pane with a single content pane inside:

    const layout: IgcDockManagerLayout = {
        rootPane: {
            // ...
        floatingPanes: [
                type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.splitPane,
                orientation: IgcSplitPaneOrientation.horizontal,
                floatingLocation: { x: 80, y: 80 },
                floatingWidth: 200,
                floatingHeight: 150,
                floatingResizable: true,
                panes: [
                        type: IgcDockManagerPaneType.contentPane,
                        contentId: 'content1',
                        header: 'Floating Pane 1'

    The floatingLocation, floatingWidth and floatingHeight properties represent absolute dimensions in pixels. Please note that these properties are applied only for the split panes in the floatingPanes array.

    With the floatingResizable and allowFloatingPanesResize you can set whether resizing floating panes is allowed. The allowFloatingPanesResize is an IgcDockManagerComponent property, so if the value is set to false none of the floating panes can be resized. The floatingResizable property can be applied separately on each split pane in the floatingPanes array and if the property value is not set, it defaults to the value of the allowFloatingPanesResize property. If the floatingResizable property is set for a specific pane, its value takes precedence over the allowFloatingPanesResize property value.

    Active Pane

    The Dock Manager component highlights the content pane which contains the focus and exposes it in its activePane property. You can programmatically change the active pane by setting the property. You can also listen for changes of the activePane property by subscribing to the ActivePaneChanged event:

    this.dockManager.addEventListener('activePaneChanged', ev => {

    Update Layout

    In some scenarios you may need to customize the layout of the Dock Manager by adding or removing a pane, changing orientation, etc., for example:

    const splitPane = this.dockManager.layout.rootPane.panes[0] as IgcSplitPane;
    const contentPane = splitPane.panes[0] as IgcContentPane;

    This will only update the layout object. To trigger an update of the Dock Manager so the changes are reflected in the UI, the layout object should be re-assigned:

    this.dockManager.layout = { ...this.dockManager.layout };

    Save/Load Layout

    To restore or persist a layout, you simply have to get/set the value of the layout property. Here is how to save the layout as a stringified JSON:

    private savedLayout: string;
    private saveLayout() {
        this.savedLayout = JSON.stringify(this.dockManager.layout);
    private loadLayout() {
        this.dockManager.layout = JSON.parse(this.savedLayout);

    Adding Panes At Runtime

    Contents and panes can be added to the layout at runtime. In the example below, you can see how you can add content, document and floating panes.


    The Dock Manager component raises events when specific end-user interactions are performed for example closing, pinning, resizing and dragging a pane. You can find the full list of Dock Manager events here.

    Here is how to add an event listener for the PaneClose event:

    this.dockManager.addEventListener('paneClose', ev => console.log(ev.detail));


    The Dock Manager component provides the option to customize all buttons using slots and parts. To change any of the buttons you simply have to define your own element inside the Dock Manager and set the slot attribute to the corresponding identifier.

    Let's utilize these slots and parts to create a customized Dock Manager layout. First, we will provide our own icons, using the closeButton, maximizeButton, minimizeButton, pinButton and unpinButton slots:

    <igc-dockmanager id="dockManager">
        <div slot="content1" class="dockManagerContent">Content 1</div>
        <div slot="content2" class="dockManagerContent">Content 2</div>
        <div slot="content3" class="dockManagerContent">Content 3</div>
        <!-- ... -->
        <button slot="closeButton">x</button>
        <button slot="maximizeButton">
            <img src="https://www.svgrepo.com/show/419558/arrow-top-chevron-chevron-top.svg" alt="" />
        <button slot="minimizeButton">
            <img src="https://www.svgrepo.com/show/419557/bottom-chevron-chevron-down.svg" alt="" />
        <button slot="pinButton">
            <img src="https://www.svgrepo.com/show/154123/pin.svg" alt="" />
        <button slot="unpinButton">
            <img src="https://www.svgrepo.com/show/154123/pin.svg" alt="" />

    Then, we will use the exposed parts in our stylesheet. This way we have full control of the component's styling:

    igc-dockmanager::part(unpinned-tab-area) {
        background: #bee9ec;
    igc-dockmanager::part(unpinned-tab-area--left) {
        border-right: 1px dashed #004d7a;
    igc-dockmanager::part(unpinned-tab-area--bottom) {
        border-top: 1px dashed #004d7a;
    igc-dockmanager::part(pane-header-close-button) {
        background-color: #e73c7e;
    igc-dockmanager::part(pane-header-unpin-button) {
      background: rgb(218, 218, 218);
      border: none;
      width: 24px;
      height: 24px;
      color: #fff;
    igc-dockmanager::part(pane-header-maximize-button) {
      width: 24px;
      height: 24px;
      border: none;
      transition: opacity 250ms ease-in-out;
      opacity: 0.3;
      margin-right: 15px;
      margin-top: -5px;
      margin-left: 0px;

    If everything went well, we should now have a DockManager with customized icons and tab area. Let's have a look at it:

    Below you can find a list containing the slot names for all of the buttons as well as the splitter handle:

    Slot name Description
    closeButton The close buttons.
    paneHeaderCloseButton The close buttons of the pane headers.
    tabHeaderCloseButton The close buttons of the tab headers.
    moreTabsButton The more tabs buttons.
    moreOptionsButton The more options buttons.
    maximizeButton The maximize buttons.
    minimizeButton The minimize buttons.
    pinButton The pin buttons.
    unpinButton The unpin buttons.
    splitterHandle The splitter handle.

    You can find each slot's corresponding part in the CSS Parts under Styling section of this page.

    CSS Variables

    The following table describes all CSS variables used for styling the dock-manager component:

    CSS variable Description
    --igc-background-color The background color of the header inside the pane navigator component.
    --igc-accent-color The background color of the buttons inside the pane header actions part on focus.
    --igc-active-color The text and box-shadow color used for the components in active state.
    --igc-border-color The border bottom color of the pane header component.
    --igc-font-family The font-family of the dock-manager component.
    --igc-dock-background The background color of the dock-manager, tab and floating-pane components.
    --igc-dock-text The text color of the dock-manager and the floating pane components.
    --igc-pane-header-background The background color of the pane header component.
    --igc-pane-header-text The text color of the pane header component.
    --igc-pane-content-background The background color of the content inside the dock-manager and the tab panel components.
    --igc-pane-content-text The text color of the content inside the dock-manager and the tab panel components.
    --igc-tab-text The text color of the tab header component.
    --igc-tab-background The background color of the tab header component.
    --igc-tab-border-color The border color of the tab header component.
    --igc-tab-text-active The text color of the selected tab header component.
    --igc-tab-background-active The background color of the selected tab header component.
    --igc-tab-border-color-active The border color of the selected tab header component.
    --igc-pinned-header-background The background color of the unpinned pane header component.
    --igc-pinned-header-text The text color of the unpinned pane header component.
    --igc-splitter-background The background color of the splitter component.
    --igc-splitter-handle The background color of the splitter handle.
    --igc-button-text The color of the buttons inside the pane header actions part.
    --igc-flyout-shadow-color The box-shadow color of the content pane component.
    --igc-joystick-background The background color of the joystick and the root docking indicator components.
    --igc-joystick-border-color The border color of the joystick and the root docking indicator components.
    --igc-joystick-icon-color The icon color of the joystick and the root docking indicator components.
    --igc-joystick-background-active The hover background color of the joystick and the root docking indicator components.
    --igc-joystick-icon-color-active The hover icon color of the joystick and the root docking indicator components.
    --igc-floating-pane-border-color The border color of the floating panes.
    --igc-context-menu-background The background color of the context menu items.
    --igc-context-menu-background-active The background color of the context menu items on hover and focus.
    --igc-context-menu-color The text color of the context menu items.
    --igc-context-menu-color-active The text color of the context menu items on hover and focus.
    --igc-drop-shadow-background The background color of the drop shadow.
    --igc-disabled-color The text color of the components in disabled state.

    Keyboard Navigation

    Keyboard navigation enhances the accessibility of the Dock Manager and provides a rich variety of interactions to the end-user like navigating through all panes, splitting the view in multiple directions through docking the active pane, etc.

    The shortcuts are as follows:


    • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Docks to global top
    • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Docks to global bottom
    • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Docks to global right
    • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Docks to global left
    • Shift + With multiple tabs in a tab group splits the view and docks the focused tab above
    • Shift + With multiple tabs in a tab group splits the view and docks the focused tab below
    • Shift + With multiple tabs in a tab group splits the view and docks the focused tab right
    • Shift + With multiple tabs in a tab group splits the view and docks the focused tab left
    • Cmd/Ctrl + F6 or Cmd/Ctrl + Focuses next tab in document host
    • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + F6 or Cmd/Ctrl + Focuses previous tab in document host
    • Alt + F6 Focuses next content pane
    • Alt + Shift + F6 Focuses previous content pane

    Pane Navigator

    Тhe following keyboard shortcuts show a navigator from which you can iterate through panes and documents.

    • Cmd/Ctrl + F7 or Cmd/Ctrl + F8 Starts from the first document forward
    • Alt + F7 or Alt + F8 Starts from the first pane forward
    • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + F7 or Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + F8 Starts from the last document backwards
    • Alt + Shift + F7 or Alt + Shift + F8 Starts from the last pane backwards


    • Alt + F3 Closes the active pane

    Practice all of the above mentioned actions in the sample demo.


    The Dock Manager uses a shadow DOM to encapsulate his styles and behaviors. As a result, you can't simply target its internal elements with the usual CSS selectors. That is why we expose components parts that can be targeted with the ::part CSS selector.

    igc-dockmanager::part(content-pane) {
      border-radius: 10px;

    In the following example, we demonstrate the ability of customizing the Dock Manager through some of the CSS parts that we've exposed.

    CSS Parts

    Part name Description
    content-pane The content pane component.
    pane-header The content pane header component.
    pane-header-content The content area of the content pane header.
    pane-header-actions The actions area of the content pane header.
    active Indicates an active state. Applies to pane-header, pane-header-content, pane-header-actions, tab-header.
    floating Indicates a floating pane placement. Applies to pane-header, pane-header-content, pane-header-actions.
    window Indicates a floating window placement. Applies to pane-header, pane-header-content, pane-header-actions.
    split-pane The split pane component.
    splitter The resizing splitter component.
    splitter-base The base element of the splitter component.
    splitter-ghost The ghost element of the splitter component.
    unpinned-pane-header The unpinned pane header component.
    tab-header The tab header component.
    tab-header-more-options-button The more options button in the tab header.
    tab-header-close-button The close button in the tab header.
    selected Indicates a selected state. Applies to tab-header and tab-header-close-button.
    hovered Indicates a hovered state. Applies to tab-header-close-button.
    header-title The text title of the tab header.
    tab-strip-area The tab strip area containing the tab headers.
    tab-strip-actions The tab strip area containing the tab actions.
    top Indicates a top tabs position. Applies to tab-header, tab-strip-area, tab-strip-actions.
    bottom Indicates a bottom tabs position. Applies to tab-header, tab-strip-area, tab-strip-actions.
    context-menu The context menu component.
    context-menu-item An item in the context menu component.
    docking-preview The docking preview area.
    docking-indicator The non-root docking indicator.
    root-docking-indicator The root docking indicator.
    pane-navigator The pane navigator component.
    pane-navigator-header The header area of the pane navigator.
    pane-navigator-body The body area of the pane navigator.
    pane-navigator-items-group An items group in the pane navigator component.
    pane-navigator-items-group-title The title element of an items group in the pane navigator.
    pane-navigator-item An item in the pane navigator.
    pane-header-close-button The close button in the pane header.
    pane-header-maximize-button The maximize button in the pane header.
    pane-header-minimize-button The minimize button in the pane header.
    pane-header-pin-button The pin button in the pane header.
    pane-header-unpin-button The unpin button in the pane header.
    tabs-maximize-button The tabs maximize button.
    tabs-minimize-button The tabs minimize button.
    tabs-more-button The more tabs button.
    context-menu-unpin-button The unpin button in the context menu.
    context-menu-close-button The close button in the context menu.
    splitter-handle The splitter handle.
    horizontal Indicates a horizontal position. Applies to splitter-handle.
    vertical Indicates a vertical position. Applies to splitter-handle.


    The Dock Manager comes with a light and a dark theme. The light theme is the default one. To change it to dark, you only need to import the igc.themes.css file in your css and add the dark-theme class to the Dock Manager or any of its parents:

    @import '~igniteui-dockmanager/dist/collection/styles/igc.themes';
    <igc-dockmanager class="dark-theme">


    The Dock Manager component supports localizing the strings used in the context menus, tooltips and aria attributes. By default, the Dock Manager detects the language of the page by searching for a lang attribute on any of its parents. If the lang attribute is not set or is set to a value which the Dock Manager does not support, the default language used is English (en). The Dock Manager provides built-in localized strings for the following languages: English (en), Japanese (jp), Korean (ko) and Spanish (es). In order to provide resource strings for any other language use the addResourceStrings method:

    import { addResourceStrings } from 'igniteui-dockmanager';
    const dockManagerStringsFr: IgcDockManagerResourceStrings = {
      close: 'Fermer',
      // ...
    addResourceStrings('fr', dockManagerStringsFr);

    The Dock Manager exposes resourceStrings property which allows you to modify the strings. If you set the resourceStrings property, the Dock Manager will use your strings no matter what lang attribute is set.

    API References